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  • I think that while Daryl is a nice guy, with good intentions, he should be let NOWHERE near software.

    His website is an aberration...

    I also think that such an app might get abused very quickly, as various "stores" and "clubs" start listing themselves, and entering data. Imagine if Malcolm registered his club. (and who can stop him, if he says he's got a club?) and then lists his warmachine tournament in the brunswick shopping center. Then sits back giggling at all the idiots who just drove to scarborough turn up?
  • I presume it would be moderated...
  • edited February 2013
    I presume you've not met/talked to Daryl then? :P

    Nah, in seriousness, it might well be. But its hard to moderate something till it happens isn't it? I could sign up as "scarborough wargames club" and post an event, and presumably noone could argue with it till I did something wierd.

    If its moderated, Daryl won't be the guy. He doesn't even like using chip'n'pin machines.
  • KR are already a successful business, they don't need to "kickstar" anything. That's for would be entrepreneurs not already established companies. Why is anyone backing it? They can fund it out of their profits and then profit from it. Tut tut says I.
  • An unusual business venture. The goal is quite high, the pledges are not that attractive, and the app is iOS only until stretch. Any attempt to globally list shows/clubs/shops is fraught with problems, particularly if you intend to maintain the list in-house.

    Others maintain these kind of lists without commercial control or incentives. Calling it a community app belies the fact its development requires serious sponsoring, and what of its upkeep? I could make an app like this (without the KR-related features) for android today with £0 investment.
  • Presumably an investment of manhours? And presumably as someone qualified to make an app, you'd be paid more than minimum wage for those services.

    I think thats the idea hes got. He contacted me directly, asking me to point customers at it. The problem being that if I do, I lose money. This is the problem with the way he's running the kickstarter I think.
  • There are literally thousands of developers who make simple apps like this for free every week. Any idiot can build a app which contains a list. There's even app creation toolkits out there for the uninitiated. The real costs here is the laborious process of researching every shop/club etc and paying for the Apple license fee. If they are expecting others to crowd-source the information for the database, then this app need only cost $99.
  • Presumably then, he's hoping for masses of free money...
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